History of CASA

CASA of Grant County is part of a national volunteer movement that began in 1977, when a Seattle judge conceived the idea of using trained community volunteers to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court. These Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) provided him with the detailed information he needed to safeguard the children’s best interests and ensure that they were placed in safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible. The program was so successful that it was replicated around the nation. The National CASA Association was founded in 1982 and provides technical assistance and national leadership to local programs across the country. The CASA concept is endorsed by the U.S. Department ofJustice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the American Bar Association, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children and Families.

Today, in the state of Indiana, there are 87 programs in the 92 counties and more than 2900 volunteers serving abused and neglected children across the state. In 2024, the Grant County CASA program advocated for 280 children. Twenty-eight different volunteers and six staff members contributed over 7200 hours and made over 24,300 different contacts on behalf of those child victims.

Our Values

  • We will provide independent, objective, factual information to the court through quality court reports
  • We will be an active participant in the child’s case management team
  • We will be persistent and keep our commitment to the children
  • We will perform our work with proficiency and professionalism
  • We will continue to improve ourselves through education and experience in order to improve the lives of the children we serve

Our Goals

  • To serve and improve outcomes for more children
  • To continuously improve volunteer effectiveness
  • To continuously increase program quality
  • To share our insights to improve child welfare laws and policie